..some things are special."
..someone is close."
"Sometimes you feel you'll never quite say...
..the somethings that matter... the most."
That's poetry, Maggie.
-Waking Ned Devine
I love movies and since I have joined the Davis clan, LiliMom and PapaDean have introduced me to a plethora of new movies to enjoy. The summer before Mikkel left on his mission I got to talk to PapaDean on the phone. I will always remember how fun it was to talk to him about Idaho and his early theater days. PapaDean has a big heart and a special way of making everyone feel important and loved. I will never forget how LiliMom helped me get ready at our open house in California. When she was fixing my hair I felt like I was truly one of her daughters. I also love the conversations we have had lying on her bed :) Congratulations on your 40th anniversary! Thanks for your love and good examples to Mikkel and me. I am thankful to be sealed to ya'll and I'm excited to continue to learn from you both and grow closer as a family!
Love- Lari
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